Our Purpose



Explaining the Logo behind the “Broken Hearts Seeking Growth” Collection

In order for you to be Mentally Motivated, you would need to understand the components of the 1st Collection’s logo.

Scroll Down For Understanding!

The Heart.

As you can see, the heart has scarring and rigid edges all around. The damaged heart resembles how I felt after facing hurt, trauma, losing loved ones, physical pain, or anything of the sort.

The Heart.

The Heart recevied a dark outer ring to show how the pain I experienced manifested, and developed over time.

The Eyes.

The eyes of the heart are dialated upwards in order to give it the "I'm over it all" feeling. The eyes aren't straight; they are tilted, so it can express an exhausted feeling.

The Eyes.

If we closely look at the pupils of the eyes, we can see that they aren't symmetrical. Both pupils are directed towards the immense scar on the left side of the heart.

The Butterfly.

The butterfly symbolizes my growth. The butterfly is the interest that saved me in my time of need. Even though I experienced immense pain, I was still able to grow from it and become better.

The Logo.

When united together the butterfly is centered in order to cover my scars and damage. People will never know how much stuff you went through, due to how much you grown as a person for the better.

The Logo.

The eyes don't give off an exhausted look anymore. The butterfly straightens the eyes in order to allow yourself to be more motivated and focused.

Without love we can never experience growth and without growth then we have truly never expericenced love.


Once your body is carrying a broken heart, you become very suppressed and confined.

Thus exemplifies why the dove is small.

At this point, you're looking for healing; you moved to seeking growth.


As the saying goes, "Time Heals All Wounds", yet in order for wounds to heal, we have to seek betterment for ourselves.

God is that betterment.

God allows you to grow through experiences in order to better suit and deal with any sort of circumstance and pain you may face.

Hence the Dove grew bigger.


The situation arises once you act & move like the growth you went through wasn’t from God and you put all the success on you.

Yet you have to realize that back then you were praying for better times, praying for healing, and praying for the pain to go away.

Hence why you became a little dove again.


At this point, you’re wondering, Why do I feel so confined again? Why do I feel little again? Why do I feel such constraint?

In light of this newfound discernment, you understood how to better seek growth. You now know that, "Growth Comes From God".

The Vines.

You are supposed to follow along with the vines.

The vines symbolize God's plan to prosper you for better things in this life he envisioned for you.

Once you stray away from the vines like that dove over there, you have to start all over from the beginning, seeking for growth once more.